Invasive Plant Removal


Invasive Plants Cause Ecological Harm

Not all plants found in the landscape and forests are to be celebrated. Exotic Invasive Plants cause ecological and economic damage. Proper identification and targeted removal of these Plants is important to help restore balance and function to the environment. Some common Invasive Plants are obvious, like Kudzu, Privet, Multiflora Rose, and others who take over an area. Others like Burning Bush, Butterfly Bush, Heavenly Bamboo, and Periwinkle are less obvious, yet remain problematic.


IPM2 Invasive Plant Removal using Integrated Pest Management

Killing Invasive Plants is a multiple year process, no matter which method is used. My approach is to rely heavily on mechanical, physical removal by cutting and digging out the Plants. It is intensive work, especially in the first year, with second and third year efforts to monitor and catch the resprouts missed in the first years. It is also very helpful to plant and encourage Native Plants to take their place. Limited use of Synthetic or Plant-based Herbicides is only considered as a last choice, if necessary at all. Often, it is not.

Contact Me About Identifying and Removing Invasive Plants: